6ba05f43 f1a0 4bab bc12 6e64d7ad5c1a?w=1920&resize=1920,1024&ssl=1 Anfield Energy's Completeness Review Receives Affirmative Validation

Anfield Energy’s Completeness Review Receives Affirmative Validation

Anfield Energy, Inc. has received an affirmative completeness review from the State of Utah’s Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ) for its Shootaring Mill production restart application. This review marks a crucial step towards restarting uranium production at Shootaring, with plans to also commence vanadium production in 2026.

Corey Dias, Anfield CEO, expressed his satisfaction with the completeness review of the production restart application, which has been in the works for over a year. The application aims to upgrade the mill’s current radioactive materials license to operational status, increase throughput capacity to 1,000 tons per day from 750 tons per day, and raise the licensed annual uranium production capacity to 3 million pounds from 1 million pounds.

Anfield has been actively advancing its assets in recent months, including the submission of the mill restart application in April, a Plan of Operations for the Velvet-Wood mine in May, approval for a drill program at Slick Rock in June, and now, confirmation of the completeness review of the mill restart application.

Since acquiring the Shootaring Canyon mill in 2015, Anfield has been strategically maintaining the facility for optimal production readiness. With the completion of the restart application review, the Company is set to begin early-stage refurbishment of Shootaring, positioning itself to expedite the refurbishment process once the restart application is approved.

Anfield’s portfolio includes a range of conventional uranium and vanadium assets in Arizona, Utah, and Colorado, all located within a 200-mile radius of the Shootaring Mill. The Company aims to establish itself as a top-tier energy fuels supplier through sustainable growth and efficient asset management.

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