533261c8 fbe1 43c9 92c2 Business loses air conditioning due to copper theft

Business loses air conditioning due to copper theft

Viet Com, a beloved local business in Albuquerque, has been facing a challenging situation in the past two weeks. The restaurant has been struggling with air conditioning issues after falling victim to copper wire theft. Assistant manager Trang Do expressed her frustration, stating that all the copper wires from their HVAC system were stolen, leaving them without air conditioning in the scorching heat.

Unfortunately, Viet Com is not the only business in the area dealing with this type of theft. Do mentioned that other nearby businesses have also been targeted, as thieves see it as an easy way to make money. The cost of replacing the stolen copper wires has resulted in significant financial damages for Viet Com, turning what used to cost only $80 into a $10,000 ordeal.

Despite the setback, Viet Com is determined to keep their doors open and serve their loyal customers. They have resorted to using fans borrowed from friends to combat the heat inside the restaurant. However, the lack of air conditioning has caused customers to leave as soon as they arrive, affecting Viet Com’s business.

Do shared that Viet Com has faced challenges since its opening in 2020, including break-ins and vandalism. The assistant manager expressed her frustration with the situation, particularly with the presence of homeless individuals in the area, making it difficult to prevent such incidents.

Despite the ongoing issues, Viet Com is actively exploring ways to protect their business from future thefts and vandalism. Their resilience and determination to overcome these challenges reflect the true spirit of a local business striving to serve its community.

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