Picsart 23 12 24 17 45 17 836 Two Workers Injured in Second Nickel Smelter Explosion at Tsingshan Group's IMIP

Two Workers Injured in Second Nickel Smelter Explosion at Tsingshan Group’s IMIP

The nickel smelter belonging to PT Indonesia Tsingshan Stainless Steel (ITSS) in the Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park (IMIP) has once again made headlines after another explosion occurred on Thursday, June 13, 2024, at 22.00 WITA. This incident resulted in two workers being injured and currently receiving treatment at Bungku Hospital, Morowali, Central Sulawesi.

Henry, the Chairman of the IMIP Morowali Mining and Energy Industry Workers Union (SBIPE), pointed out that this explosion was a result of inadequate handling of a previous smelter explosion that occurred at the end of last year. The previous explosion in December 2023 led to 51 workers being injured and some fatalities.

“This shows that there have been no significant improvements made by PT. ITSS to prevent work accidents and protect workers, resulting in the recurrence of similar accidents in the same parts and places,” stated Henry in an official statement on Friday, June 14, 2024.

Following this incident, Henry urged an independent audit of PT. ITSS by involving labor unions and holding the company accountable for the explosion. The labor union is also pushing for proper handling of the victims and ensuring that their rights are fulfilled.

Furthermore, PT Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park (IMIP) had previously indicated that the initial cause of the smelter furnace explosion was due to the presence of explosive trigger fluid at the bottom of the furnace during repair work. The explosion was exacerbated by the presence of oxygen cylinders in the area, used for welding and cutting furnace components.

As investigations continue into this latest explosion, concerns are raised about the safety protocols and measures in place at the ITSS facility to prevent such incidents in the future. Follow the latest updates on this developing story on our Google News and WA Channel.

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